Crafting the 5-Minute Memoir with Lisa Braxton
Tuesday, March 256:00—7:00 PM1st floor Presentation CommonsQueset House51 Main Street, Easton, MA, 02356
A 5-minute memoir is a brief narrative covering a particular facet of the author’s life. In this seminar, you'll mine your memory to explore a significant event or incident to produce a first draft mini-memoir that can be touching, poignant, hilarious, or simply entertaining. You will learn to identify your story’s essence, the truth it reveals, and to engage the reader through fictional techniques. Through writing prompts, inspired by short published texts, you'll produce an initial draft that has the potential to impact and resonate for the reader far beyond the page.
This is the second of three workshops with local author Lisa Braxton. Join us for Legacy Letters or Storytelling: from the Stage to the Page.
It’s Your Turn! Share Your Story. Once you find your story and craft your letter, consider sharing it with our 300 Years, 300 Stories project! Talk to a librarian today to arrange your recording.
Registration for this event opens Tuesday, March 11 at 9:00 AM.