Legacy Letters with Lisa Braxton

Tuesday, February 256:00—7:00 PM1st floor Presentation CommonsQueset House51 Main Street, Easton, MA, 02356

Legacy letters can strengthen the ties between generations. In this workshop, we will delve into the history of legacy letters, how they are structured, and the top reasons for writing one. We will do short writing exercises to stimulate ideas, with some high-level guidance on craft elements that make legacy letters not just compelling, but great sources for longer material. You can expect to leave the session with the beginnings of a legacy letter and inspired to turn your own legacy into concrete ideas for further writing.

This is the first of three workshops with local author Lisa Braxton. Join us for Crafting the 5-Minute Memoir or Storytelling: from the Stage to the Page.

It’s Your Turn! Share Your Story. Once you find your story and craft your letter, consider sharing it with our 300 Years, 300 Stories project! Talk to a librarian today to arrange your recording.

Registration for this event opens Tuesday, February 11 at 9:00 AM.